Everything you need to know about skin renewal

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How Does Skin Cell Regeneration Work?

Skin is the largest and most visible organ in our body. It is constantly evolving, regenerating itself to maintain its function as a protective barrier and its aesthetic appearance. The regeneration of skin cells is a complex process that can be influenced by many factors, such as age, UV exposure, nutrition, and skincare.

The Cell Regeneration Cycle and Process

Skin renewal is a continuous process that involves the formation, maturation, and shedding of skin cells. This process is regulated by complex biochemical signals and can vary depending on age, overall health status, and environmental factors.

In general, the skin renewal cycle takes 28 days in adults. During this period, skin cells undergo several stages of development and differentiation that lead to the formation of new skin cells to replace dead or damaged cells.

The skin renewal process begins with the formation of basal cells that actively divide to give rise to daughter cells. These daughter cells then begin to differentiate and move towards the surface of the skin where they undergo chemical and physical changes that transform them into keratinized cells of the outer layer of the skin.

As new skin cells form, dead or damaged cells (shedding) are eliminated through a process called epidermolysis. This process occurs naturally when keratinized cells are removed from the surface of the skin through washing, exfoliation, or rubbing.

Factors That Influence Cell Regeneration

Several factors can affect the speed and efficiency of skin cell regeneration. Age is one of the main factors as the skin's ability to regenerate decreases with age. Sun UV rays can also damage skin cells and slow down their regeneration. Nutrient deficiencies such as vitamins A, C, and E can also affect cell regeneration.

Proper skincare, such as using products containing regenerating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and peptides, can help stimulate cell regeneration and maintain a beautiful smooth and healthy-looking skin. It is also recommended to protect the skin daily from UV rays and maintain a balanced diet to promote good cell regeneration.

Why Does Skin Regenerate More Efficiently at Night?

Nighttime is a key period for skin regeneration for several reasons:

  • Reduction in melanin production: at night, melanin production, the pigment responsible for skin color, is reduced. This means that the skin is less exposed to UV radiation and can focus on cell regeneration.
  • Increase in collagen production: collagen production (an essential protein for skin health and youthfulness) increases during the night. This promotes cell regeneration and repair of damaged tissues.
  • Reduction in body temperature: during the night, the body temperature is slightly lower, which promotes cell regeneration. Cells need energy to regenerate, and this energy is available thanks to the decrease in body temperature.
  • Reduction in stress: sleep reduces the level of stress that can cause damage to the skin.

    Skin After 35

    The process of skin renewal naturally slows down with age. Starting at 35, the skin may begin to show signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, uneven texture, loss of elasticity, and dehydration. This is partly due to the decrease in collagen and elastin production in the skin.

    To help renew the skin after 35, it's important to follow an appropriate skincare routine:

    • Gently cleanse the skin twice a day to remove impurities and dead skin cells.
    • Use a gentle exfoliator once a week to remove dead cells and stimulate cell renewal.
    • During the day, hydrate the skin with a moisturizer suitable for your skin type to help maintain good hydration essential for its suppleness, texture, and your complexion.
    • In the evening, choose products containing antioxidants, retinol, or alpha-hydroxy acids that will reduce signs of premature aging.
    • Finally, protect your skin all year round! Before applying your daytime moisturizer, use a daily mineral sunscreen and blue light protector with an SPF of at least 30.

    In summary, skin cell regeneration is a continuous process that maintains the health and appearance of our skin. It is influenced by many factors such as age, sun exposure, and nutrition. Proper skincare and a balanced diet can help stimulate skin cell renewal and maintain a more youthful appearance for longer. It's important to take care of your skin by using quality, targeted products and protecting it from UV rays from the sun and blue light emitted by screens.

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